

Badgers – muntjac – fallow deer – deer – otters – stoats - polecat – british wildlife – rare – polecat photography – all night photography sessions – moths – tawny owls – little owls – photography – hide hire – bats – fox – hedgehogs – roe deer – re…
Badgers – muntjac – fallow deer – deer – otters – stoats - polecat – british wildlife – rare – polecat photography – all night photography sessions – moths – tawny owls – little owls – photography – hide hire – bats – fox – hedgehogs – roe deer – re…
Badgers – muntjac – fallow deer – deer – otters – stoats - polecat – british wildlife – rare – polecat photography – all night photography sessions – moths – tawny owls – little owls – photography – hide hire – bats – fox – hedgehogs – roe deer – re…

The Intermediate Daytime Experience at Bawdsey Hall briefly touches on the main camera settings and how you can use them to maximise the potential of your camera but is more aimed at teaching you how to compose a shot and make your images more interesting - Turning that “record shot” into an image you are proud of.

Throughout the day we will explore different camera angles, different lenses and different photographic techniques to gain an understanding of when and why you should chose to switch things up and apply these techniques In your photography. The course is not rushed, moving along at your pace and is tailored to what you want to gain from it so you can get the most out of the day.

Are bigger lenses better? - During this experience you will learn the benefits of longer lenses but will also discover their down side. You will learn how to decide which lens is suitable for the shot you want to take and gain a greater understanding of depth of field and how to plan your shot before you take it.

Seasons will also play a role in what can be photographed as different species are around at different times of the year and during different weather conditions. Transport is provided throughout the day and a packed lunch is also included in the daytime wildlife Photography Experience. The session will typically start just around sunrise and will usually end in the late afternoon, however timings will change depending on the time of year, weather conditions and depending on the current animal behaviour.

In addition to this course, we also offer a variety of different lenses for hire to help get you those different perspectives that you may not have access to with your own kit.

Click here for more information on the different Gift Vouchers we have to offer.